means of access的意思

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means of access的网络释义

进出途径 ... mean velocity平均速度 means of access专用通道;进出途径 means of production生产资料;生产手段;生产工具 ...

途径 ... 进洞费:costs for entering into tunnels 进出途径;途径:means of access 进出气阀井;放气阀井:air valve pit ...

专用通道 ... mean velocity平均速度 means of access专用通道;进出途径 means of production生产资料;生产手段;生产工具 ...

进入方式 ... Mathematical models 数学模型 Means of Access 进入方式 Measurement of Recreation Demand 游憩需求测量 ...

means of access的短语

1、 Safe means of access 通道的安全措施

2、 Permanent means of access 永久性进入检查通道

3、 Safe means of access shore-ship

means of access的例句

An alternative means of correlating requests to access a particular calculator total is to make that correlation a formal part of the calculator service interface.


This is the sole means of access to the building.


There is no means to access an unattached persistent storage unit other than the method we described, that of cloning a persistent storage unit using the IBM Cloud capability.


In the voice systems world, the term lexicon means the set of words for which a recognition engine has access to pronunciations.


That lack of access to medical care means they have to deal with medical problems when they rejoin their family.


Although you should avoid name hiding (giving local variables the same names as attributes), the use of accessors to always access attributes means you can give local variables any name you want.
