Update Background Image的意思

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Update Background Image的网络释义

更新背景 Update Background Image〈更新背景〉 Reset Background Transform〈重置背景变换〉Show Transform Gizmo〈显示变换坐标系〉Show Ghosting〈显示重橡〉 .

更新背景图像 【Update Background Image】(更新背景图像):当视图背景图像被替换而未能在视图中显示,执行此命令可在视图中更新背景图像。

更新配景 ... .GeneralParameters(平凡参量).Lens(镜头尺寸) Update Background Image〈更新配景〉 Activeshade Viewport〈勾当衬着视窗〉 ...

Update Background Image的短语

1、 o Update Background Image

2、 Update e Background Image 更新背景

Update Background Image的例句

The proposed new background updating method can update the background exactly and quickly, and the detection result of moving objects is good without background image.


The key of background subtraction is to extract and update the background image adaptively in changeable road environment affected by all kinds of factors such as weather and illumination condition.
