triggered update的意思

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triggered update的网络释义

触发更新 Triggered Updates(触发更新):在3的情况下,路由器C将立刻把网络不可到达的信息发送给邻接路由器,而邻接路由器也会立刻将此信息发送出去,此时是立刻发送信...

触发式更新 (4)触发式更新 触发式更新( Updates) 触发式更新(Triggered Updates)是指路由器之间不单纯按照预定 的时间周期进行路由信息交换, 的时间周期进行路由信息交换,而是在路由表发生变化的时候及时 地进...

被触动引发更新 被触动引发更新(triggered update)一种路由以及谈更新动静,是路由器对收集中某些事务(尤其是路由丢掉)做出反映而送出的

triggered update的例句

When the event is triggered to show the update panel, the content is asynchronously retrieved from the server.


If you want every 10 seconds, just make an async call and when the callback is triggered just update your UiTableView content.


The label is nested within the content template and the partial update can be triggered by all controls on the page that post back.


If they drag it to their My Widgets sidebar, the installation of your feature from your update site is automatically triggered.

如果他们将该文件拖拽到My widgets侧栏,那么将自动触发来自更新站点的特性安装。

It is triggered by the creation or update of comments.


This determines which artifacts appear in the recent artifacts feed. It is triggered by the creation or update of any Rational Requirements Composer resources.

这决定了哪些工件会出现在最近的工件单种,由Rational Requirements Composer资源的创建或者更新操作激发。