a positive fact的意思

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a positive fact的网络释义

无疑的事实 ... positive adj.肯定的, 实际的, 积极的, 绝对的, 确实的 a positive fact无疑的事实 a positive manner过分自信的态度 positive help积极的援助 ...

的翻译是一个积极的事实 a boom town 的翻译是:一个繁荣的城市 ... ... a lawful age的翻译是:一个合法年龄 [翻译] a positive fact的翻译是:一个积极的事实 [翻译] A fine racehorse.的翻译是:马匹的罚款。 [翻译] ...

详细翻译 详细翻译>> a positive fact 无疑的事实..

a positive fact的例句

The fact that they had decided to come was interpreted as a positive sign.


By using a positive approach, I attempt to enlighten society about the fact that having a not-so-perfect body is not synonymous with having a poor quality of life.


In fact, constructively expressing other negative feeling can be a very positive, empowering act.


The existence of atomic facts we also call a positive fact, their non-existence a negative fact.


In fact, in any case, have a positive and optimistic attitude, life is full of beauty.


So it is a fact, he says, that some positive changes have taken place.
