in a positive way的意思

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in a positive way的网络释义

以积极的方式 ... compare to 与......比较 last for long 持续很久 in a positive way 以积极的方式 ...

从正面 从正面(in a positive way), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

用积极的方式 ... 我刚把碗洗完 » I washing Bowl 用积极的方式 » In a positive way 好像 » As if ...

in a positive way的短语

1、 In a positive way think 用积极的方法想问题

2、 in n a positive way 用积极的方式

in a positive way的例句

Now think about a time where you talked to people that were full of ENERGY and influenced you in a positive way.


Noah knew that obedience to God is the standard by which we can face the future in a positive way.


There are precious few people in this world who can really make a difference in a positive way...


Sure, no matter what happened, they should wait to discuss in their office and find the solution in a positive way.


“I was shocked, in a positive way,” said Markus.


We have this incredible opportunity to impact millions and millions of people in a positive way.
