bring an end to的意思

美 / / 英 / /


bring an end to的网络释义

结束 容纳 carving 雕刻品 construction 建造;建设; 建 建造;建设; bring an end to 结束;终止 结束; relic 遗迹;遗物 遗迹; site 场所;遗址 场所; Buddhist 佛教徒 generate vt. 发电 harness vt.

使完结 ... according to根据,按照,随…而定 hand over交出,移交 bring an end to结束,使完结 ...

终止 容纳 carving 雕刻品 construction 建造;建设; 建 建造;建设; bring an end to 结束;终止 结束; relic 遗迹;遗物 遗迹; site 场所;遗址 场所; Buddhist 佛教徒 generate vt. 发电 harness vt.

使结束 ... focus on集中于,对(某事或做某事)予以注意 bring an end to使结束,使停止 take place发生; 举行 ...

bring an end to的短语

1、 to bring an end to 结束

2、 bring to an end 结束 ; 使结束 ; 完成 ; 处理或办理至于完结

3、 bring an end to sth 结束

bring an end to的例句

The trip will bring to an end years of estrangement between the two countries.


However, the unity of the country didn't bring an end to controversies among different literary schools.


Every Israeli concession that failed to bring an end to terror and a formal Palestinian recognition that the conflict was over was a death by a thousand cuts.


The accord did bring an end to decades of civil war between north and south.


Neither power nor destiny can bring an end to what has already begun.


Time of going out, the bon tour is with the present soon about to bring an end to... mysterious marsh.
