bring into play的意思

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bring into play的网络释义

施展 而且面很广 从手机激发(initiate)的问题也很多,很多内容值得写的, 多动动脑子,施展(bring into play)联想! 切勿深谋远虑,任何艺术都是要从索然无味(vapidity)开始,可以(can)简单地弹两下并不等于你会弹耐烦(patience)是最...

启用 启用(bring into play), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

使活动 ... bring into effect 实行,实现,使生效 bring into play 使活动,使运转,启动 bring off 获得成功;救出 ...

bring into play的短语

1、 bring into play normally 正常发挥

2、 bring into full play 充分发挥 ; 尽情发挥

3、 fāhuī bring into play 发挥

bring into play的例句

The Island of Poems! Now that I am on the Island of Poems, I should bring into play my talent too.


We should implement the strategy of market diversification, bring into play our comparative advantages, consolidate our existing markets and open new ones in an effort to increase exports.


Economic effects of knowledge spillovers bring into play due to spatial distance, market structure, accepting ability, social networks.


Generally, these capabilities are emanative, so they must be based on the mesh mechanism of the corporation capabilities to bring into play.


We should take the measures to bring into play all positive factors of the part time archivists by enhancing their quality and c...


To bring into play the traditional outstanding intelligence tests effectiveness, the new approach must be adopted to conduct research into Raven standard reasoning test.
