
美 / ɡrɑːs / 英 / ɡræs /

n. 草,青草,草地,草坪,告密者,〈俚〉龙须菜

vt. 用草覆盖,使…长满草,使…吃草

vi. 渐渐被草覆盖,放牧

初中 / 高中 / CET4 / CET6 考研

复数 grasses 第三人称单数 grasses 现在分词 grassing 过去式 grassed 过去分词 grassed


Grass,a noun, is a green plant which grows on lawns and other land. It is usually short, usually no more than a few inches tall.

Grass is a very common part of nature, and it can be found on almost every lawn, on meadows and even on hillsides. It is used to cover the ground and to provide food for some animals and birds.

The word 'grass' can also be used as a verb. When used as a verb, it means to cover the ground or an area with grass.

Grass is also used to make things like paper, rope, and even fuel. Grass is also used to make clothes and blankets, and can also be used as a kind of insulation.

One often-used phrase that includes the word 'grass' is \"to cut the grass\", which means to mow or trim the grass on a lawn or other area. This is usually done with a lawn mower or a pair of scissors.

Grass can also be used figuratively to refer to a number of things. For example, \"your grass is always greener on the other side\" is a phrase used to refer to people's tendency to compare themselves to others and feel jealous.

Overall, 'grass' is a versatile word that can be used in many different contexts. It can be used to refer to the physical plant, but it can also be used to refer to a variety of different things.


1、 on the grass 在草地上

2、 green grass 绿色草,青草

3、 forage grass 饲草

4、 grass carp 草鱼,鲩鱼

5、 grass land 草地;草滩

6、 keep off the grass 不践踏草地;小心

7、 grass root 基层;草根

8、 dry grass 干草

9、 grass seed 牧草种子;草籽

10、 grass green n. 草绿色

11、 lemon grass (柠檬)香茅

12、 tall grass 茂草;高茎草

13、 artificial grass 人造草皮

14、 leaves of grass 草叶集(惠特曼的诗集)

15、 sea grass 海草

16、 go to grass ◎(牲畜)被放牧在草场上,放牧,放草

17、 pasture grass 牧草

18、 grass cloth 夏布

19、 grass court 草地网球场

20、 bahia grass [植]百喜草;巴哈雀稗


The grass was soft and springy.


The Prime Minister refused to be put out to grass. Asked if he would quit, he replied: 'The answer is No'.



Many animals prefer grass as food.



He always tackles problems straight away. He's not the kind of person to let the grass grow under his feet.



The sheep had cropped the grass short.



He was repeatedly attacked by other inmates, who accused him of grassing.



The grass was browning in patches.


In the old days, there were strict fines for walking on the grass or missing a study period...

