into the midst of的意思

美 / ˈɪntuː ðə midst ɔv / 英 / ˈɪntu ði mɪdst ʌv /


into the midst of的用法讲解

英语单词\"into the midst of\"的用法解释

\"Into the midst of\"是一个常用的短语,意思是\"进入中间\"或\"深入其中\"。它常常用来描述一个人或事物被带到一个中心位置或某个困境中。这个短语可以用于许多不同的情境,包括物理位置(如进入房间中央)和抽象概念(如被卷入争端)。

以下是一些使用\"into the midst of\"的例句:

1. When I walked into the party, I was immediately thrown into the midst of the celebration.


2. The fireman rushed into the burning building, straight into the midst of danger.


3. The debate took an unexpected turn when a controversial topic was introduced into the midst of the discussion.


4. The explorer pushed his way into the thick jungle, right into the midst of unknown territory.


总之,这个短语强调的是一个人或事物被带到了一个重要的、中心的位置或处于某种困境中。正因为如此,\"into the midst of\"是英语中非常有用的表达方式。

into the midst of的短语

1、 get into the midst of 偶然陷入…之中,偶然遇到

into the midst of的例句

He rushed into the midst of the hooligans and laid about him fearlessly.



The leaders often go into the midst of the laboring masses.


We rode into the midst of the forest.



She ran into the midst of her beloved friends, who had not forgotten her either.


Mr Gaidar threw himself into the midst of the crisis as bravely as his grandfather had done.
