into the open的意思

美 / ˈɪntuː ðə ˈəupən / 英 / ˈɪntu ði ˈopən /

adv. 公开化,出现

into the open的用法讲解

英语单词“into the open”的用法讲解

“Into the open”是一个习惯用语,表示打开、进入开放的场合或事物,也可以被用作形容词,表示公开的、显著的、有条理的。


- After years of rumors and speculation, the company finally brought its financial problems into the open.

- 在经过多年的流言和猜测之后,该公司终于把它的财务问题公之于众。

- She was reluctant to bring her personal troubles into the open.

- 她不愿意把自己的私人问题公开。

- The investigation aimed to bring corruption into the open.

- 这项调查的目的是揭穿腐败行为。

“Into the open”也可以指进入一个开阔的空间或场地,比如:

- The birds flew out of the trees and into the open sky.

- 鸟儿从树林中飞出,进入了开阔的天空。

- The runners burst out of the trees and into the open field.

- 赛跑者从树林中冲出,进入了开阔的田野。

总之,“into the open”这个短语的用法非常灵活,可以指一个事件或态度的公开,也可以指物品或人类进入开放的空间或场地。

into the open的短语

1、 be brought into the open 公开化

2、 run into the open 奔到外边

3、 come into the open 公开化,不加保密,公开谈论

4、 move into the open 将移动到打开,搬入该公开

5、 Looking into the Open 野望

6、 come out into the open 公开化

7、 flee into the open country 落荒而走

8、 Get Into The Open 往开阔

9、 Into the open sky 飞入天际

into the open的例句

More than once I've unearthed a nasty scandal - brought it into the open.

我不止一次地揭发人家的丑事 —— 把他们暴露在光天化日之下.


They intend to bring their complaints out into the open.


Hearing this, the little stream went into the open arms of the breeze.


Street - car lines had been extended far out into the open country in anticipation of rapid growth.


英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹

It brings people's thinking processes out of isolation and into the open.



After hearing this, the little stream went into the open arms of the wind.


The dispute broke into the open in a peculiar way.



It was soon brought into the open.

