judicial fairness的意思

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judicial fairness的网络释义

司法公正 ... "妨碍司法执行" in English : obstructing justice "司法公正" in English : impartial justice; judicial fairness; ... "共谋妨碍司法执行" in English : conspiracy to obstruct public justice ...

judicial fairness的短语

1、 ensure judicial fairness 保障司法公正

2、 fairness of judicial procedure 司法程序公正

judicial fairness的例句

To run Haikou by law and promote its economy, we should perfect the local legislation, enforce the law strictly, guarantee the fairness of judicial adjudication, and…


Summary procedure is an important procedure regulation in our judicial system. The fairness, economy and convenient of this procedure has been accepted by judicial organs and society.


Article 3 the judicial administration organ shall impose the administrative penalties on the lawyers and law firms on the principle of openness and fairness.


The current legal system has not been clearly established in China but only sentenced a few derivative lawsuits according to the principle of fairness in judicial practice.


Fairness and justice is the fairness of the judicial activities test the sole criterion.


Fair and reasonable trial class system is the prior condition to carry out the judicial fairness and the values of law.
