supreme judicial court的意思

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supreme judicial court的网络释义

最高法院 马萨诸塞州最高法院(The Supreme Judicial Court)在该案中认识到封闭公司小股东面对各种各样的控股股东采取的压迫措施(oppressive devices,又称为“freeze-outs”)时,居于明显...

马萨诸塞州最高法院 马萨诸塞州最高法院(Supreme Judicial Court)维持和富国银行(Wells Fargo Co.)两起止赎无效的原判,因为这两家银行未能证明它们是相关抵押贷款的债权人。

最高上诉法院 最高上诉法院(supreme judicial court), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

supreme judicial court的短语

1、 Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court 州最高法院

2、 president of supreme judicial court 最高法院院长

3、 The Supreme Judicial Court 最高法院

supreme judicial court的例句

In 1938, the Supreme Court promulgated the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which are periodically updated and renewed by the U. S. Judicial Conference.


Supreme court has already displayed its art of "the fetter's dancer to wear", and mostly came out the road of a judicial harmony.


A new judicial-appointments panel and a new Supreme Court will be created.


The higher judicial authority resides in the Supreme Court.


The courts should ascertain foreign case law by various means, including yet not confined to the five channels provided in the Judicial Interpretation by the Supreme People's court.


The Supreme People's Court of China Wednesday publicized a judicial ruling to prohibit luxury consumption by people legally in debt .
