level aspiration的意思

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level aspiration的网络释义

抱负水平 ... aspiration level 抱负水平 ; 抱负水准 level aspiration 抱负水平 academical aspiration 学术抱负 ...

level aspiration的短语

1、 aspiration level 期望水平 ; 抱负水平 ; 期望准位

2、 level of aspiration 抱负水平 ; 志趣水平 ; 抱负水准 ;

3、 aspiration level theory 水平理论 ; 抱负水准理论

level aspiration的例句

The higher the expected value of the reward, the higher the level of aspiration of the individual; and.


The higher the level of aspiration, the lower the satisfaction.


The stadium's roof, to shelter 60,000 spectators, remains an aspiration. The adjoining "weightlifting auditorium" is a low-level concrete mess.


They look through things in sequence and when they come across an item that meets their aspiration level they go for it.


We propose an interactive decision making method based on the objective aspiration level for multiobjective decision making problems with integer variables.


When sampling at the level of fresh gas delivery in non-rebreathing systems. The sampling line can become obstructed by condensation drops or aspiration of any fluids.
