level of aspiration的意思

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level of aspiration的网络释义

抱负水平 一个人对目标的抱负水平(Level of Aspiration)是指欲将自己的工作做到何种数量标准的心 理需求。抱负水平又称为志愿水平,这是个人从量 上考虑目标高低的反映,抱负水平决定了...

志趣水平 ... level of aspiration 抱负水平 level of aspiration 志趣水平 level of confidence 信心程度 ...

抱负水准 抱负水准(level of aspiration):是指个人从事某种实际工作之前,主观的估计自己所能达到 的成尌目标。 62.

期望水平 ... 期望收益 expected revenue 期望水平 level of aspiration 期望算子 expectation operator ...

level of aspiration的短语

1、 career level of aspiration 事业抱负水平

2、 academic level of aspiration 学业抱负水平

3、 level of aspiration instruction 抱负水平指导

level of aspiration的例句

The higher the level of aspiration, the lower the satisfaction.


In certain people the level of aspiration may be permanently deadened or lowered.


The higher the expected value of the reward, the higher the level of aspiration of the individual; and.


When sampling at the level of fresh gas delivery in non-rebreathing systems. The sampling line can become obstructed by condensation drops or aspiration of any fluids.
