outside and in的意思

美 / ˌautˈsaid ænd in / 英 / aʊtˈsaɪd ənd ɪn /


outside and in的用法讲解


1. outside的用法

a. 作形容词,表示\"外面的\"、\"在外部的\"。例如:

- You need to wear warm clothes if you go outside.

- The car was parked outside the building.

b. 作副词,表示\"在外面\"。例如:

- She's waiting outside the coffee shop.

- Don't play with the ball outside the house.

c. 作名词,表示\"外面\"。例如:

- There's a lot of noise outside.

- I'll meet you outside the cinema.

2. in的用法

a. 作介词,表示\"在...里面\"。例如:

- She's in the kitchen.

- The book is in my bag.

b. 作副词,表示\"向内\"。例如:

- She walked in the room.

- The cat came in through the window.

c. 作形容词,表示\"内部的\"、\"在里面的\"。例如:

- The in crowd always gets the best seats.

- I prefer in jokes to those that are obvious.


outside and in的短语

1、 Inside and outside in 里外里

2、 inside out and outside in 内外组合

3、 inside-out and outside-in 内外组合

4、 But in and outside 但是

5、 in and outside texts 协调员

6、 In and outside greenhouse 温室内外

outside and in的例句

As we spring the windows one by one, the night noises howl outside - and in.

窗户被一扇一扇地弹开, 一直萦绕在外的夜声顿时传了进来.


He took off his glasses and wiped them again outside and in side.



We work long hours both outside and inside the home and we rush around trying to fit everything in.



Was I supposed to start at the outside and in or the inside and work out?

我是应该先从外面开始,依次向里用还是从里面开始,依次向外用 呢 ?


It is freezing outside, and in this hotel things don't get much warmer.

外面很冷, 但是里面也暖不了多少.


Applicants can apply from both outside and in Australia.



I was whisked off in a taxi and deposited outside the hotel.

