strictly speaking的意思

美 / / 英 / /

adv. 严格地说;严格来说

strictly speaking的短语

1、 T strictly speaking 新金属

2、 not strictly speaking your translation 严格来说你的翻译不对

3、 or more strictly speaking 或者更准确地说

4、 But Strictly Speaking 但严格地讲

5、 Since Strictly Speaking 因为严格讲

6、 Strictly Speaking Within 严格说来

7、 Speaking strictly for me 似乎郑重的对我说,就别再对我隐瞒了吧

8、 strictly y speaking 严格的说,严格来说,严格地说,严格说来

strictly speaking的例句

Strictly speaking, if I were you, I would just and ask ont.

严格地说, 如果我是你, 我会直接去问她.


Strictly speaking, she is not a friend of mine.

严格说来, 她不是我的朋友. (说明全句说话方式)


Strictly speaking, a slow - worm is a kind of reptile.

严格地说, 蛇晰是一种爬行动物.


Strictly speaking, it is not possible to absorb gamma rays completely.

严格来说, 不可能把γ射线全部吸收掉.


Aerodynamic forces and moments are strictly speaking functionals of the state variables.



Strictly speaking, they shouldn't be called philosophers, but rather'philophilosophers.'

严格讲起来, 他们不该叫哲学家Philophilosophers, 该叫‘哲学家学家’philophilosophers. ”

汉英文学 - 围城