structure component information的意思

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structure component information的网络释义

结构成分信息 structure component information 结构成分信息 收藏 fractal information component 分形信息组件 收藏 .

structure component information的例句

The Raytheon High-Speed Guard CENTAUR component validates security, ISR information markings and data structure prior to transferring the information between security domains.


Writer explains the concept, functions, component, structure and implement of Business Intelligence, then discuss applying Business Intelligence in the Railway Information System.


The paper emphasizes the exchange method of table structure and data information in table, which is based on database component.


We present a structure of campus grid information service based on GT4 by researching the structure and function of information component - MDS4 and the model of grid information service.


Using a new theory of information for adaptive systems, each event can be "executed" using one generic component structure.


The career decision-making difficulty is a multi-component structure, mainly including insufficient preparation, lack of readiness, the lack of information and the inconsistent information.
