the structure component的意思

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the structure component的网络释义

非结构构件 ...法律论文发表 - 中国论文网 关键词:非结构构件;侧移刚度;周期与刚度 [gap=239]Key words: the structure component; Lateral stiffness; Cycle and stiffness ...

the structure component的例句

The syntactic component of a grammar must specify, for each sentence, a deep structure that determines its semantic interpretation.


One way to show this structure is by appending the appropriate integer to each component.


The Skeleton Only implementation transforms behavior into structure, creating a generic decomposition for Services Component Definition Language (see Figure 9).

Skeleton Only 实现将行为转换为结构,为 Services Component Definition Language 创建了一般的分解(参见图 9)。

The XML data handler is the component within the adapter that converts BOs to serialized XML (and vice versa) and it requires a specific hierarchical BO structure to enable this.


Figure 7 show's the Store's component inner structure.


A composite structure diagram of the same name as the component and contained in the component provides the internal view of the service provider's structure.
