the value-added tax的意思

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the value-added tax的网络释义

增殖税 ... value-added tax rebate 增值税退税率 the value-added tax 增殖税 WESTBANK value-added tax 增值税 ...

the value-added tax的短语

1、 On the value-added tax planning 在增值的税收筹划 ; 关于增值税税收筹划

2、 the value-added tax transition 增值税转型

3、 the consumption value added tax 消费型增值税

the value-added tax的例句

Much of its recent rise is driven by what are clearly one-off factors, from weak Russian harvests that sent grain prices soaring to the rise in value-added tax in Britain.


They have staff members who speak Chinese, store maps in Chinese and help for patrons to complete a "détaxe" form, which refunds most of the value-added tax.


In the turnover tax system, what's the relationship between the Business tax, the Value-added tax and the Consumption tax?


According to the value-added tax and the total value of goods and credited "capital reserve" subjects.


Consumption tax is carried out by way of tax within price and then adjusted together with the value-added tax. But the adjusting function isn't evident, and therefore weakens itself.


In the last part, the article points out the problems that occurred during the transformation of the value-added tax and puts forward some Suggestions in a targeted manner.
