Value added time的意思

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Value added time的网络释义

增值时间 对于整个产品而言,其循环时间就是所有串行 完成工序的循环时间总和 4、增值时间(Value added time): 客户愿意支付的用于加工产品的时间。

时间 其中,Cycle Time可以简单地认为是有价值的时间(Value Added Time)。在任何一个特定的价值流中,有价值的时间与无价值的时间(Non-Value Added Time)的比值之低,通常都会让人大吃一惊!

价值时间 (3)价值时间(Value Added Time,简称VA)。顾客高兴地支付金钱而换来的,附加在产品上的作业要素时间,也就是通常意义上的增值时间。

Value added time的短语

1、 Non-Value Added Time 无效时间 ; 另一部分为无效时间

2、 Value-Added Time 值时间 ; 附加价值时间

3、 Value-added lead time 增值生产时间

Value added time的例句

Personally, I believe it is time for the US to contemplate a national value added tax rather than rely so heavily on the income tax.


Furthermore, it expanded the scope of its application, drew up fractal graph with more higher number times and more complex root value, added the thought of escape time.


"Western Europe, by contrast, is very attractive for employees who value their leisure time," the report added.


Under the condition of vehicle general assembly line, standard time is divided into value-added and non-value-added time.


The author suggests that the development and research of variety salt could enhance the intrinsic quality and added value, to rich market at the same time.


This would have added little value, but it certainly would have cost a lot of time.
