Non-Value Added Time的意思

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Non-Value Added Time的网络释义

无效时间 精益造船把产品生产全过程分成两大部分:一部分为有效时间(Value Added Time);另一部分为无效时间(Non-Value Added Time)。传统造船模式中的无效时间远远多于有效时间。

另一部分为无效时间 ...lue-Added Business Tax Act (formerly Business Tax Act) 加值型及非加值型营业税法 Non-Value Added Time 另一部分为无效时间 Reducing Non-Value Added 减少了无效劳动 ..

Non-Value Added Time的例句

Under the condition of vehicle general assembly line, standard time is divided into value-added and non-value-added time.


Note: Without stable processes where output can be accurately measured. It would be non-value added to implement this tool at this time.


With a good setup time reduction, mitigate the effects of setup costs by producing in large lots is non-value added!
