Value-Added Time的意思

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Value-Added Time的网络释义

值时间 ... Value-added lead time 增值生产时间 Value-Added Time 值时间 Non-Value Added Time 另一部分为无效时间 ...

附加价值时间 ... 产出率(throughput rate) 流程速度(process velocity or throughput ratio) 附加价值时间(value-added time) ...

Value-Added Time的短语

1、 Value added time 增值时间 ; 时间 ; 价值时间

2、 Non-Value Added Time 无效时间 ; 另一部分为无效时间

3、 Value-added lead time 增值生产时间

Value-Added Time的例句

When a timezone value is added to a Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) dateTime, it results in a date and time in that timezone.

当将一个时区值添加到通用协调时间(Universal Coordinated Time,UTC)dateTime 时,将会生成该时区中的日期和时间。

"Western Europe, by contrast, is very attractive for employees who value their leisure time," the report added.


Personally, I believe it is time for the US to contemplate a national value added tax rather than rely so heavily on the income tax.


The author suggests that the development and research of variety salt could enhance the intrinsic quality and added value, to rich market at the same time.


The value-added of tertiary industry rose 9.5% to 12.05 trillion yuan in 2008, the first time since 2003 that it grew faster than secondary industry.


The value-added services of mobile Internet will be vigorous, at the same time, the competition will be unprecedented intense.
