virtual organization的意思

美 / / 英 / /


virtual organization的短语

1、 Trust & the Virtual Organization 信任与虚拟企业

2、 Virtual Enterprise or Virtual organization 虚拟企业

3、 virtual organization leader 虚拟组织首席执行官

4、 VO-Virtual Organization 虚拟组织

5、 Diagnosis Virtual Organization 诊断虚拟组织

6、 Virtual Organization Subsystem 虚拟组织服务子系统

7、 Pure online virtual organization 纯在线虚拟组织

8、 Integrated Frameworkfor Virtual Organization 虚拟组织集成框架

9、 vo virtual organization 虚拟组织

virtual organization的例句

VO(Virtual Organization) is the basic management unit of grid computing, and coordinative computing group is the base of VO.


The virtual organization in the grid environment is analyzed. The relationship of members in the virtual organization is defined.


The modulated virtual organization is established on the basis of ICT, a middle organization form in the industrial division.
