Simplify Life的意思

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Simplify Life的网络释义

把事情简化 ... 把事情简化 Simplify Life 学会把任务分派给别人 Delegate Duties 学会通过合理安排来节约时间 Practice Good Time-management ...

Simplify Life的短语

1、 Simplify Your Life 生活简单就是享受 ; 简化你的生活 ; 一切从减

2、 May simplify my life 苏不西

3、 Simplify My Life 简化我的生活

Simplify Life的例句

And it's tremendously liberating to discover that you can find focus, you can simplify, and you can change your life.


Remember, these are just our recommendations, the tools that help us simplify our lives. You have to pick the tool that works best for you, the one that simplifies your life the most.

记住 这只是帮助我们简单生活的推荐.你必须挑选对你来说最好的 最能简化你生活的工具.做好你自己的选择 别二话不说就用 也不管是否对你有用.

One of the best things I did when I decided to simplify my life was to simplify my workday — first at my day job and later, by quitting my day job, in the work I do now as a writer and entrepreneur.

当我决定要简化我的生活时,我做过的最好的一件事就是简化了我的工作量。 首先我简化了我白天的工作,随后我辞去了这份作家和企业家的工作。

Simplify your life.


Automated status updates simplify life for developers and give management better insight into the operation of the development organization.


Simplify things in life so you can savor more of the goodness. This same idea can be applied to relationships.
