simplify it的意思

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simplify it的网络释义

简化它 ... adapt 使适应 simplify it 简化它 idiomatic expression_r 习语 ...

大道至简 因此,“大道至简(Simplify IT)”将是大势所趋,由此而生的IT 思维变迁将是应用服务化,设施平台化。

简化IT 在他上任之后,甲骨文喊出了“ 简化IT(Simplify IT)”的口号,作为公司最核心的战略,简化IT所包含的内容在过去的几年中也悄然发生着变化,不再只是通过软硬件相加从而降低IT基础架...

simplify it的例句

The cause of refusing all indoctrination is that we make it equal to forcible indoctrination and simplify it as knowledge transfer.


Calling the servlet from a web page via Ajax isn't terribly difficult; in fact, I can simplify it with a library like JQuery.


Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify it, and simplify it. — David Thoreau Henry American writer.


They look at the code they just wrote to see if there is any way to simplify it.


The service repository can simplify it by supporting the management of relationships between service artifacts.


Many researchers usually simplify it as a single optimization problem using traditional methods for lack of the concise and effective mode.
