simplify your work的意思

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simplify your work的网络释义

简化工作 六、简化工作(simplify your work):尽量简化外贸工作流程,将许多分开的工作步骤加以整合,变成单一任务,以减少工作的复杂度,另外,运用授权或是外包的方式,避...

简化事情 别的,因此智慧的员工, 法门六、简化事情(simplify your work) 只管简化事情流程,将很多分隔的事情步调加以整合,不要挥霍时间,光这个法门,如此一天可以比一般人多出2至3个小时的事情时间,...

简化任务 六、简化任务(simplify your work):尽量简化任务流程,将很多分隔的任务步调加以整合,酿成单一义务,以削减任务的复杂度,别的,运用受权或是外包的方法,防止把...

繁化农做 六、繁化农做(simplify your work):只管即便繁化事情淌程,将很多离开的任务步调减以零开,酿成繁多义务,以淘汰农做的庞杂度,别的,应用受权或者非中包的方法,...

simplify your work的短语

1、 Simplify Your Work Life 简化工作

simplify your work的例句

Mastering the command line can simplify your work and help you better understand how to make the shell and command line work for you rather than you working harder for it.

掌握命令行可以简化您的工作,并帮助您更好地理解如何在工作中充分利用 shell 和命令行,从而摆脱使用它们的困扰。

Quite frankly, Password Safeguard can considerably simplify your work with the Internet and usual Windows applications. It can auto fill web pages, registration forms, login windows, etc.

Safeguard 可以大大简化你使用因特网和某些常用软件的工作,它会自动填充你所打开网页上的登陆表项、注册表项等等。

This helps you simplify your business application development and also increase your team's productivity and the quality of its work.


This free open source solution can simplify your documentation development, allowing you to work just with a doclet and have the plug-in and the reference documentation generated for you.

这个免费的开源解决方案能够是您的文档开发简单化,允许您工作于一个 doclet 并且生成自己的插件程序和参考文档。

Each new version of the product gives you additional builders, many of which are designed to simplify incorporating an expanded set of Web features into your work.


If you want to work on your own, and liberate yourself from the office, you'd be wise to simplify what you do.
