code of professional ethics的意思

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[劳经] 职业道德守则

code of professional ethics的网络释义

职业道德守则 ...媒体联盟道德守则 Media Alliance Code of Ethics 职业道德守则 rules of professional conduct ; code of professional ethics ; codedeontologique 建立企业道德守则 Corporate codes ..

职业道德规范 ...法令与规范对资讯系统 稽核规划之影响 ISACA资讯系统稽核之 准则及指导原则 • ISACA职业道德规范(Code of Professional Ethics) • ISACA资讯系统稽核准则(IS Auditing Standards) • ISACA资讯系统稽核指导原则(IS Auditing Guidelines) • ISACA资讯系统稽...

会计师职业道德规范 ... code number 编号号数 code of professional ethics 会计师职业道德规范 coding,codification 编号 ...

职业道德准则 职业道德准则 canon of professional ethics; code of ethics and professional conduct; code of professional ethics 恪守职业道德 observe professional ethics ..

code of professional ethics的短语

1、 professional code of ethics 职业道德规范

code of professional ethics的例句

Advertising ethics and a professional code of conduct are well defined and deal specifically with avoiding inappropriate enticement of potentially vulnerable or underage visitors.


On the other hand, as journalists, our job is to seek truth and tell it as fully as possible, according to the Society of Professional Journalists code of ethics.


Reporters, editors and the entire journalist community are expected to observe the Code of Ethics of Professional Journalists, share a dedication to ethical behavior and commitment to objectivity.


Let us redefine medical ethics - not as a code of professional etiquette between doctors, but as a code of fundamental morality and justice between medicine and the people.


An ICF Professional Coach: an ICF Professional Coach also agrees to practice the ICF Professional Core Competencies and pledges accountability to the ICF Code of Ethics.


We solemnly promise: During the work process, we will strictly follow the Software Engineering code of conduct for professional ethics, and strive to improve the value of customer service!
