codes of ethics的意思

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codes of ethics的网络释义

准则 ...合抵制(Boycotts)、市场分割(Market division)、广告限制协定(Agreements to restrict advertising)、道德准则(Codes of ethics)。这些行为通常只需要有行为,无需结合结果等其它要件综合权衡即可被认定为非法。

道德规范 另外,ISPI还提出了一个运用绩效技术的道德规范(Codes of Ethics)。以推动领域内符合道德的实践,保护客户利益,提升领域的可信任度。

守则 执行师的操作守则(Code of Ethic)也正式完成了。

codes of ethics的短语

1、 Codes of ethics for librarians 图书馆员职业道德准则

2、 Codes of Professional Ethics 行为公约 ; 职业道德规范

3、 Codes of Conduct and Ethics 道德规范条例

codes of ethics的例句

Enacts codes of conducts and ethics for life underwriters, and provides education programmes for its members.


You do not know our culture, our ethics, or the unwritten codes that already provide our society more order than could be obtained by any of your impositions.


Codes of ethics.


Most museums write their own institutional codes of ethics and are subject to local, state and federal laws and international conventions governing nonprofits.


The trust of the enterprises is not only a basic problem on codes of ethics, but also a problem on economy and law.


In addition, the public sector typically has more explicit and stringent value systems that emphasize legislatively based notions of ethics and codes of conduct.
