morals and ethics的意思

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morals and ethics的网络释义

思想道德修养 ... 法律基础Fundamentals of Law 思想道德修养Morals and Ethics 逻辑电路CAT ...

morals and ethics的短语

1、 High morals and ethics 高品德高素质

2、 social ethics and morals 社会道德

3、 social ethics and morals education 社会道德教育

morals and ethics的例句

They bravely rebelled against the feudal ethics and patriarch morals, pursuing their dream life.


Morals and ethics cannot be determined by a majority vote, any more than they can be determined by the barrel of a gun or a loud mouth.


In university student morals aspect, network games caused students a sense of responsibility and ethics indifference, lead to a lack of the sense of justice and moral double standard;


If ethics and morals go together, you have to hone your skills at reasoning critically about ethical and moral issues.


It helps raising the modern citizen morals level through its role of instruction on common courtesy, occupational ethics and family moral excellence construction.


It helps raising the modern citizen morals level through its role of instruction on common courtesy, occupational ethics and family moral excellence construction.
